Single & variable bandwidth both for QC & Research applications
Also Offer Diode Array Model
For clean water & Effluent water
Flame AAS, graphite furnace AAS, Hydride and Hydrea Technology and Compact Spectrometers
Plasmaquant® PQ 9000 elite & Plasmaquant® PQ 9000
Plasmaquant® MS & Plasmaquant® MS Elite
Micro-volume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
- Mercury analysers
- AOX/TOX/EOX Analyzers
- Elemental analysis C/N/S/Cl
- Microwave digestion system
- Liquid handling systems
- Electrophoresis & Blotting
- Gel documentation
- Chemiluminescence
- Transilluminators
- Mixing & Homogenization